Death of Herbert Howel Davies
Wrexham Advertiser Saturday, May 21st 1910
Death of Wrexham Gentleman in India
Much regret was expressed in Wrexham on Thursday when it became known that a cable had been received from India conveying intelligence of the death of Mr Herbert Howel Davies, eldest son of Mr Howel Davies, Wrexham. The deceased gentleman, who is 38 years of age, was an MA Cambridge, and went out to India eight years ago with his sister to take up an important post as Principal of Colvin Taluqdars School,Lucknow. Previous to that he was at Framlington School, Suffolk. He came over on a visit to his native town about 18 months ago. He was not married and lived with his sister. His relatives in Wrexham had no idea that he was ill, and the news of his death was a great shock.