Transcription of meeting of Managers of the National School, Rhosllanerchrugog on 18thMay 1939
A meeting of the Managers was held at the National School on Thursday May 18that 6pm when there were present Messrs D W Owens, H Bache, R Ellis, Rev Darbyshire Robert and Rev J Lewis Edwards , correspondent.
Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were read, confirmed and signed
Resignation of Headmaster, Mr Elias Jones
A formal notice of resignation had been received from the Headmaster, Mr Elias Jones, and this read as follows.
School House
Rhos, Wrexham
9thMay 1939
To the Managers, Rhos National School
As I attain the age of 65 on 10thAugust next I respectfully beg to tender you formal notice of my resignation.
In doing so I should like to express my deep gratitude to you for the great support you have given me in all my efforts, and for the implicit confidence you have placed in me in suggestions for the successful working of the school.
For nearly 39 years I have had control of the school and during that lengthy period many changes have gradually developed and I feel bound to say that children today are better clothed and shod, better fed and cared for, and in many ways better fitted to face the battle of life in these strenuous days than they were in the early days of my Mastership.
I should also like to place on record how very fortunate I have been in the selection of Assistant Teachers you have made from time to time. No Head Teacher has ever had a better or more loyal staff of colleagues than I have had through the years and I have always been able to place absolute reliance on them.
I know I shall have to face a great wrench when I part from the children and the work that I have loved and I can only hope that my successor will be as happy in his labours here as I have been.
Again thanking you for your kind consideration
I remain
Yrs very faithfully
Elias Jones
The Vicar from the Chair stated that he was voicing not only his own personal opinion but that of all the Managers in saying that it was with very real regret that they learnt that Mr Elias Jones’s term of office as Headmaster of the School was drawing to a close. As Managers they were bound to accept his resignation though no doubt felt that the school could well be left in the capable hands of Mr Jones for many years to come.
Under his headship the school had made great progress and was now considered one of the best in the County. This reputation which it had justly won was attributable to the indefatigable way in which Mr Jones had discharged his duties as Headmaster for the long period of close on 39 years.
The welfare of the children was always placed first by him and Mr Jones’s high sense of duty coupled with marked efficiency, ability and immeasurable tact ensured a cooperation that made success inevitable. The task of finding a worthy successor to carry on and maintain this high standard would by no means be easy.
Mr D W Owen proposed and Mr Robert Ellis seconded that the resignation be accepted and in doing so endorsed what the Vicar had already said adding that the parish as well as the school would feel the loss consequent on the resignation. Also that a record be made in the Minute Book of the Managers’ high appreciation of the excellent work done by Mr Elias Jones during his Headship and that the Vicar should write to Mr Jones expressing their sentiments.
After Mr H Bache and the Rev Darbyshire Robert had also paid glowing tributes to the Headmaster the proposed was carried.
Mr R Ellis then proposed and Mr H Bache seconded that a Testimonial be made to Mr Elias Jones to mark the high esteem in which he is being held by the parishoners in general, and as a memento of his 39 years of office as Headmaster.
This was carried unanimously.
The vicar was asked to make the necessary arrangements.
The vicar was also asked to communicate with the Director of Education with regard to advertising the post.
This concluded the business of the meeting
J Lewis Edwards